January and a brand-new year to celebrate on North Lake!
I hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends during the December holidays.
Many thanks to Lynda VanderBroek and Lori Schneider for hosting our annual Holiday party on December 8th. LOTS of positive feedback for festive decorations, delicious food, the hot chocolate bar, and most of all the fun time spent with friends and neighbors! Your generosity allowed for 10 boxes of donated items and $160 to be delivered to St. Teresa for the North Lake Food Bank. THANK YOU!
You know how while you unwrap your stored ornaments each year, you remember who it is from or where you got it? Today I took down 110 from the club's tree and learned a little more history of the NLYC. 2006 was a big member ornament donation year by the way--many with that year and the family it was from painted on. Lots of stories no doubt behind each one! How fortunate we are for the opportunity to celebrate together each year.
January has 3 activities with IMPORTANT details and registration links are below:
1. Winter Jamboree hosted by Scott Jankowski and Ericka Sanchez on Saturday, January 25th.
2. Winter Workday Saturday January 18th
3. Membership Renewal with a deadline of January 31st
We all have much to reflect on and be grateful for as 2024 comes to a close. Not sure about resolutions for the new year, but I am truly grateful for my family, my health and wonderful friends.
I wish each of you much happiness and good health for 2025!
Fond thoughts and safe travels to those of you who are away.
Nicki Flink
Got a new chainsaw blade for Christmas and can't wait to try it out?
Enjoyed plenty of delicious treats during the Christmas season and looking to follow through on that New Years resolution to work them off?
Doesn't matter the reason, always look forward to gathering at the yacht club after the ground and water are frozen to clear dead trees off the property and keep it safe and looking good for the summer.
Join us for an hour or two on Saturday morning Jan 18, to drop trees, cut up the logs for firewood (free for the taking), or hauling branches to the burn piles. You chose!
Questions? Contact Rear Commodore, Charles Luebke.
RSVP NOW! Kids, adults and guests are all welcome and sure to have a great time!
Please RSVP as early as you can with an accurate number of attendees so we can plan efficiently for food and refreshments.
When you arrive in the morning, check-in at the door of the clubhouse, where you will pay by cash or check and receive a ticket for your lunch.
If you are available to help Ericka with the set-up, serving and clean-up of lunch, please contact her via email or by phone at 414-628-7017.
As an active member you have the opportunity to participate in social and sailing functions; have the right to vote and hold office; and have access to the NLYC boat launch, in accordance with the village of Merton conditional use permit.
If you have new neighbors who are interested in joining, please ask that they send an email to to request more information. Thank you!
Click on the link below to register.
Are you planning to hire a contractor in 2025 to perform Shoreline Restoration (i.e. RipRap) that will need access to the NLYC launch for delivery of barges, equipment, and materials? Charles Luebke, Rear Commodore, has a list of preferred and non-preferred contractors. We would also like you to inform Charles of their planned work schedule when they will utilize the NLYC launch as we also need to coordinate with other Authorized Commercial Operators and the Sailing School.
Know anyone interested in learning how to sail? North Lake Sailing School teaches sailing to kids ages 5 – 16 as well as Adults. Students do not need any previous experience and can start for the first time at any age within that range. In fact, they do not need to live on the lake either! Grandchildren, cousins, friends are all welcome to register.
Sailing school is a great way for the kids to enjoy the daily pleasures of lake living. We offer summer long classes as well as several one-week camps for those kids that want to try it out or are involved in a number of other summer activities.
Sailing school is scheduled to begin the week of June 9th and online registration will open after the first of the year. Click on the link below to find out more about our class offerings: